

ASSIGNMENT for October 7, 2019


Go to...


...browse the library and choose a video related to science and technology that stirs your interest. It should be no shorter than 5 minutes. Watch it and prepare a presentation that points out the main scientific findings of the TED speaker. Here are some guidelines for your presentation: 


- Select one interesting key word from the world of science and technology that figures in your video and write it on the board. Write down the German word for it, too.

- Explain the presented scientific finding(s)/ technological achievement(s) to the class. Make sure your presentation is well-structured.

- Comment briefly on the way the speaker presents the information (media, gestures, establishing contact with the audience, clarity, etc.)


- You should be speaking for 3-5 minutes.

- Your classmates must be able to follow and take notes.

- You can use media, but you don´t have to.

- Presentations will be held 7th through 14th October.

- Your presentation will be graded. Please stick to the time schedule. 


AIM: As a class, we want to get an overview of interesting current scientific and technological findings and developments.


Please announce the topic of your choice in the "Gästebuch" until Monday, September 23. Write down the title of the TED talk, the name of the speaker, as well as the duration of the talk.


23 Einträge auf 5 Seiten
Lukas Niggemann
22.09.2019 19:16:43
Sherry Turkle; Connected, but alone ; 19,33
Lars Kupp
22.09.2019 19:13:51
Nita Farahany: When technology can read minds, how will we protect our privacy?; 13:05
Emily Kollöchter
22.09.2019 18:02:26
Howard Taylor; A global initiative to end violence against children,11:02
Leonard Haubs
22.09.2019 17:44:03
Greg Cage: How to control someone else's arm with your brain; 5:44
Milena Bürgin
22.09.2019 17:41:31
Anand Agarawala;Rethink the desktop with Bumptop; 4:39
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